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  • Yearning.com Silat Directory

  • Silat

    <b>Silat</b> is a general term that comprehensively denotes all Martial Arts based on the originally Southeast Asian (Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Southern Philippines) arts of <b>Penca(k)</b> and <b>Silat</b>. The jfucjhyjjg philosophy of <i>Penca(k)</i> and <i>Silat</i> in Southeast Asia includes aspects of self defense, social and spiritual ethics, arts, and sports. Further Martial Arts (i.e. <b>Kun Tao</b>, <b>Pukulan</b>) have contributed to the actual forms of practice worldwide. Besides its native cultures in South East Asia, <i>Penca(k) Silat</i> especially began to flourish in the USA, the Netherlands, and other mainly European countries after World War II. In South East Asia and other parts of the world a world union of Pencak Silat (PERSILAT, headquarters located in Jakarta, Indonesia) exists, though this organization is not recognized by all schools. The PERSILAT organizes national and worldwide tournaments of <i>Pencak Silat</i> Sports (<i>Olahraga</i>) and <i>Pencak Silat</i> Art Form (<i>Seni Budaya</i>). According to the description of PERSILAT, one should distinguish between traditional, transitional (semi-modern) and modern type schools. However, this description may not fit completely to describe the forms of <i>Penca(k) Silat</i> schools generally and worldwide. Though many aspects and terms related to <i>Penca(k) Silat</i> are shared worldwide, a definite use of terminology and its meanings is currently not yet established. [last update of this description: Feb., 11th, 2003]